Biggest Markets
Ag, Food and Water are three of the world’s biggest industries with strong underlying long term growth fundamentals, high barriers to entry and resilience to economic cycles
Trillions of $
Amount of investment required in next 15 years in both:
(I) The Ag and Food sector to continue to feed the planet and
(II) Water solutions to address growth in demand and scarcity
Top Global Risks
The World Economic Forum ranked Water Crises and Food Crises as #1 and #4 global risks with the highest potential impact over the next 10 years
Advantaged Investment Timing
Macro drivers creating on-going opportunities for innovation and game changing technologies in both Agtech/Food and Water sectors;
Significant growth capital investment potential now exists in companies and solutions that are proven and scalable
Few Options
Very few funds focusing exclusively on Ag, Food and Water industries; Only a small number of GPs with demonstrated, repeated track record investing Agtech, Food and Water solutions